07845 673841
07845 673845
[email protected]

FREE Short Break Care

3rd of January, 2020

The Light of the World Community Centre provides one day FREE Short break care to Children with disabilities and special needs age 5 to 13 years old. who have a DLA/EHCP every school holidays throughout the year. The project runs from 8.30am to 4.00pm monday to friday. A team of qualified and experienced staff are on hand to support children and young people, and provide planned and children lead activities based on their individual needs. There is a registration process involved in accessing this scheme, we will be happy to provide you with additional information. Please call the office on 01274 730640 or 07845673841/ 07561840980

The Project also accept children who have a Personalised budget, or is receiving additional support for their children.  A charge is made depending on the child`s level of need.